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2018-2019 Supplementary tables

Planned evaluation coverage over the next five fiscal years

Planned evaluation coverage, 2018–19 to 2022–23

Invest in Canada is committed to conducting formative and summative evaluations of its programs to ensure effectiveness. As a new agency, an evaluation plan will be developed in 2019-20, once the agency’s operations and services are up and running.

Program Last evaluation Evaluations planned in the next 5 years Fiscal year of approval 2018–19 Program spending covered by the planned evaluation (dollars) 2018–19 Program spending covered by all planned evaluations (dollars) 2018–19 Total program spending (dollars)
Partnership & Strategy Development Not applicable TBD TBD 0 0   3,167,862
Marketing & Outreach Not applicable TBD TBD 0 0  7,373,945
Investor Services Not applicable TBD TBD 0 0  4,077,421
Total Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 0 0 14,619,228

2018–19 Gender-based analysis (GBA) plus

General information
Governance Not applicable.

As a newly established departmental corporation, a GBA implementation plan has not been established.

To help ensure GBA is integrated into decision-making, composition of the Board of Directors will aim for gender equality (50/50). In the recruitment of talent, Invest in Canada aims to capitalize on the gender, ethnic, and the age diversity that Canada has to offer.
Human Resources Not applicable.

No FTEs will be dedicated to GBA implementation due to the size of the corporation (67 employees).
Planned Initiatives Monitoring and reporting on GBA will be the responsibility of the leadership team and considered in the development and implementation of services. Performance indicators will be established and reported on regularly to the Board of Directors.

Once fully operational, Invest in Canada plans to work with non-traditional partners in Canada, where opportunities exist, to leverage investment from abroad. For example, unique investment opportunities and interests may lie with Canada’s indigenous communities to stimulate development and economic growth through foreign direct investment. In support of longer term goals of diversity and youth empowerment, Invest in Canada will assess the possibility of introducing an “FDI Fellows” program whereby some positions could be set aside for high performing, recent business school graduates. In addition, these business school graduates will also be targeted for business intelligence positions.

Invest in Canada is part of a much larger strategy to transform Canada’s place in the world. An important part of Canada’s value proposition includes its diversity advantage. In defining target sectors, the corporation will consider potential implications of investors on gender and diversity, and can work with investors to improve gender parity or diversity goals, while positioning Canada as a top of mind investment destination.

2018–19 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

March 2018

1. Context for the Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

As a departmental corporation, Invest in Canada is not bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act and is not required to develop a departmental sustainable development strategy. However, Invest in Canada will adhere to the principles of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) by implementing the Policy on Green Procurement.

The Policy on Green Procurement supports the Government of Canada’s effort to promote environmental stewardship. In keeping with the objectives of the policy, Invest in Canada supports sustainable development by integrating environmental performance considerations into the procurement decision‑making process through the actions described in the “FSDS goal: low-carbon government” table in section 2, below.

2. Commitments for Invest in Canada

FSDS goal: low-carbon government
FSDS target FSDS contributing action Corresponding departmental action(s) Starting points where available and performance indicators for departmental actions Programs where the departmental actions will occur
Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from federal government buildings and fleets by 40% below 2005 levels by 2030, with an aspiration to achieve it by 2025. Support the transition to a low‑carbon economy through green procurement. Will support sustainable workplace practices that reduce carbon emissions in Canada, and implement measures that are aligned with the federal Policy on Green Procurement.  

Temporary building facilities that will be occupied from March to December 2018 are owned by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) who will respond to this action. The long-term accommodations have been rated as LEED gold EBOM.

There are no planned fleet purchases for Invest in Canada.

As a new departmental corporation, performance indicators will be established at a later date
Internal Services

3. Integrating sustainable development

In compliance with the FSDS, Invest in Canada will consider potential environmental impacts as it develops its plans, policies and procedures, and communications.