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Regional Spotlight: New Brunswick

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Invest in Canada

Welcome to New Brunswick – home to several of Canada’s top science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) faculties, a loyal workforce that is 1-in-3 bilingual, a supportive business environment and an average sub-twenty-minute commute to top it off! These factors, combined with non-emitting energy sources, a rich innovation ecosystem and a dedicated network of economic development agencies, make it clear to see why leading global companies are choosing to invest and re-invest in New Brunswick. 

About New Brunswick 

New Brunswick is one of four Atlantic provinces and has an estimated population of 842,500, which includes three large metropolitan areas: the capital city of Fredericton, Moncton and Saint John. The province is bordered by Quebec, the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Fundy and the US state of Maine. Uniquely, New Brunswick’s geography creates overlapping workdays with both the US and Europe, which places it within a 1,000-kilometer radius of 55 million consumers. Expansions to the province’s two ice-free deep seaports will provide same-day access to more than 100 million North American consumers.

The province is home to eight post-secondary academic institutions, which offer unique and collaborative programming in engineering, computer sciences and manufacturing-related studies. The University of New Brunswick’s (UNB) engineering and computer science faculties ranked number 1 in Atlantic Canada, top 10 in Canada, and in the top 20% globally, according to The Times Higher Education 2023 World University Rankings. These institutions contribute to the region’s rich talent pipeline where 66% of adults in New Brunswick possess a postsecondary education, higher than the OECD average. 

New Brunswick is home to diverse industries, including energy innovation, cyber security, advanced manufacturing, ICT, digital health, agri-tech as well as legacy sectors such as forestry, agriculture and aquaculture. New Brunswick is home to the world’s largest privately-owned seafood company. The province also holds the country’s second-largest military base, making it a hub for industrial aerospace and defense activity including systems engineering for military, and commercial vehicles.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Attraction 

New Brunswick has no shortage of FDI-attracting qualities. Notably, New Brunswick is sought-after for: 

  • Lower operating costs, competitive business incentives and ease of access afforded as a smaller jurisdiction (access to decision makers and government officials); 

  • Top, well-trained talent with sizeable annual graduating classes specializing in STEM technologies; 

  • Canada’s highest average tenure for workers in the manufacturing industry and the third highest overall job tenure; 

  • Rich innovation ecosystem including entities in cybersecurity, clean energy, technology and venture capital funding; 

  • Canada’s best-ranked quality of life, fueled by the region’s scenic land, vibrant culture, lower cost of living and a diverse, welcoming community; and 

  • Significant non-emitting grid with available land to attract transformative projects. 


“Global companies like Marshall, Thales, and Deloitte, are realizing the value of a New Brunswick solution. Once seen solely as a low-cost jurisdiction, today New Brunswick is attracting interest and winning investment from major players due to our world-class capabilities in sectors such as energy, cybersecurity, and advanced manufacturing, as well as the strength of our workforce and unique positioning that allows clients to service both US and European markets with ease. Beyond those factors, there’s also what we refer to as the ‘NB Advantage’; a can-do attitude and laser-like focus on ensuring we meet and surpass client expectations.”

Traci Simmons, CEO, Opportunities NB 

Cranes and shipping containers at Port Saint John

Port Saint John, supplied by Envision Saint John

FDI in action: Marshall Canada

One organization compelled by New Brunswick’s value proposition is British-owned aerospace and defence business, Marshall Canada. Parent-company Marshall Systems is a global leader in defence and security systems, land systems production, fleet management and fabricated metal manufacturing.  Marshall set their sights on New Brunswick as a key step in their Canadian market growth strategy with the support of Invest in Canada and its provincial counterpart, Opportunities New Brunswick (ONB).

In March of 2022, Marshall Canada announced a long-term lease for a new Land Systems production and integration facility in Moncton, New Brunswick. The facility is projected to initially create 65 skilled jobs (estimated to jump to 500 direct and indirect roles over a decade) and bolstered Marshall’s manufacturing capacity for both domestic and international customers. The investment decision, a significant win for New Brunswick’s aerospace and defence sector, was backed by the Government of Canada through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), who contributed $2M to the building renovation and towards purchase of advanced manufacturing equipment, as well as ONB who will provide up to $1 million over three years in the form of a payroll rebate, incenting high-quality jobs for New Brunswickers, and facilitating connections to key stakeholders across the supply chain

At the time of the investment announcement, the facility’s GDP impact was estimated to exceed $22M. By the end of 2022, the facility had secured two supply chain contracts and its first production contract with an international customer, the Dutch Armed Forces. By the close of the following year, the facility was up-and-running. Marshall Canada opened the doors of its 82,000 square foot production facility in October 2023, unveiling an environmentally friendly and accessible facility with inclusive amenities to meet the needs of the diverse workforce.

The facility is meaningfully engaged with the local community, having launched an “Earn as you Learn” apprenticeship program in collaboration with the New Brunswick Community College and the University of New Brunswick. The facility also hosts experiential learning opportunities in manufacturing and engineering with several local academic institutions. Marshall Canada has been recognized with the Opportunities New Brunswick Impact Awards from the 2023 Export Awards, which celebrates their significant impact on the region’s economy through reinvestment and commitment to growth. 

Interior facility of Marshall Canada’s new Land Systems production and integration building in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Marshall Canada’s new Land Systems production and integration facility in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Partner Spotlight

These organizations are dedicated to creating opportunities for economic growth, championing their regions’ strengths and securing transformational projects in New Brunswick.

Provincial Crown corporation Opportunities New Brunswick (ONB) is the lead economic development agency for the province of New Brunswick. ONB fosters economic and business growth by accelerating high growth opportunities in both traditional and emerging priority sectors. ONB works with potential investors to highlight the many tangible benefits of a made-in-New Brunswick solution throughout the project lifecycle, from site selection and hands-on talent recruitment, to robust financial options and more.

The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) helps businesses become more competitive, innovative and productive. ACOA helps to attract foreign direct investment by collaborating with federal and provincial government partners and with regional organizations to showcase the Atlantic Provinces’ advantages for establishing or expanding Canadian operations. 

Invest in Canada supports global companies considering New Brunswick for their expansion by providing business advisory services, strategic introductions, custom research to support business case development and facilitating incentive packages, site visits, and issues navigation. Invest in Canada’s Regional Director for Atlantic supports prospective investments with dedicated, hyper-local support, bringing established connections with regional stakeholders and an in-depth understanding of applicable programs. 

Logos for Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Opportunities NB.




Logos for Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Opportunities NB.






“Global companies are eager to explore New Brunswick as a potential investment destination and the reasons why are clear. Investors are seeking a skilled, abundant workforce, non-emitting energy sources and a culture of innovation. And they’re looking for destinations where their employees can enjoy an exceptional quality of life. New Brunswick delivers on these and more – and we’re passionate about showcasing these factors on the world stage.”

Laurel Broten, CEO of Invest in Canada